
WELCOME to our Craft Beer Industry Related Directory!

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Members of the Craft Beer community can come together here to create opportunities within the Japanese market as well as the world to strengthen the bonds that make the world craft community unique.

Free Listing
Includes an image, company address, and URL Link in our Industry Directory.
Premium Listing
Free listing features + 5 photos, full translation, telephone/fax, company description, mag-a-logue inclusion.
Corporate Premium Partner
Premium listing features
+ analytical data package.
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Q Who can join the Community?
A: Anyone operating a craft related business that supports the craft beer community.

Q Who can see the listings?
A: Only registered members are able to view listings. This is to ensure that any contact made using this directory is initiated by those serious about doing business.

Q Why join our industry directory?
A: Businesses/members that register with us can be seen by companies within the Japanese market and the world that depend on what you have to offer. Additionally, your business can find goods and services that suit your needs, and gain international visibility on a multitude of levels.